Sunday, 18 October 2009

What is Earthmaster?

EarthMatters.Org was founded by a small, international team of specialists with decades of practical experience in multidisciplinary programs. Since the early 1990’s, EM.Org has been involved in conservation programs in Venezuela and Panama. EM.Org is now expanding into Peru and Colombia.In 1991, our experts pioneered the use of the satellite based Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to survey and map Harpy Eagle nests for conservation management in the dense rainforests of Latin America. We implemented the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to update and merge regional and detailed views of eagle distribution and human encroachment on their habitat. NASA and Microwave Telemetry Inc. provide satellite transmitters that we mount on the eagles to track the movements of breeding pairs and follow the dispersal of their fledglings.


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